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How to enable GZIP Compression on Blogger/Blogspot

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There are so many questions about how to increase loading speed from blogger or what is more familiar we often call Blogspot, one way is through GZIP Compressor.

What is Gzip Compression?

Gzip is an ultimate compression method to reduce the HTTP request size and thereby decreasing page load time. Gzip Compression is the compilation of files and codes from the server that will be sent to the browser, the compressed results are certainly much smaller in size than the files that are not compressed, and the smaller file size, the faster file transfer

How to Enable GZIP Compression on Blogger/Blogspot?

Gzip Compression for blogger will increase your blog speed upto 200%, Don’t Believe on me!!! check the results from your own eyes.

How to Enable GZIP Compression on Blogger/Blogspot?Let’s get started, So here are the few steps, Follow the below steps and increase your blogger speed.

1. Login to your Blogger Account.

2. Go to Theme > “Edit HTML”

3. Copy and Search(ctrl+F) below code —

 <!DOCTYPE html> 

5. Add this code before <!DOCTYPE html>, Just like below Image:

 <?php if (substr_ count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'],'gzip')) ob_start("ob_gzhandler");else ob_ start();?> 

Step 2 - Add this code before

6. Click “Save Theme”

7. Test your Blogger blog/website here:

8. It’s Done!!! You have successfully added the GZIP Compression in your Blogger/Blogspot.

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